Sara Stansberry

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The Moments that Change your Life Forever

“Would who she was really be enough? There was no magic to help her this time. This is perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take – to be seen as we truly are.”
– Cinderella (2015)

I’m not one for fairy tales necessarily.  But this version of the classic took my breath away.  In the latest adaptation of Cinderella, the heroine is the true picture of courage and vulnerability. She loves when no one is loving her – she is not afraid to show herself in what most would consider to be her weakest state. In the scene quoted above, Cinderella has met her prince and loves him deeply.  She was taken with him at first glance - he touched her and it took her breath away. You could feel her feel it. Then, the chance to be with him was ripped away; until this moment, when it presented itself again. The prince found her: an orphaned country girl. She was dirty; her dress tattered, her hair undone. She was a mess.  He was a prince. Her biggest opportunity and her biggest chance for rejection were just steps away. In that moment, she had a choice. She could play it safe or present herself just as she was.  You already know it ended well for Cinderella - but real life is no fairy tale. Endings are hardly ever perfect. There are no carefully scripted guarantees. 

Putting ourselves out there and being willing to be seen is one of the most courageous things we can do.

How many opportunities have passed me by because I was too afraid to be seen in my moments? How many times have I covered my vulnerability with anger or pride? It is in the moments – these moments –that we discover who we really are.  I’m convinced the choices we make in the moments will change us forever; for those are the ones that make the greatest impact on our hearts.

What a gift, to see someone as they truly are and love them anyway.  Allowing this is such a risk.

Tonight one of my heroes, Brene’ Brown chats with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday. ( 7pm ET on OWN) She’ll talk about her new book, Rising Strong which speaks to vulnerability and how to make great comebacks after a fall. I cannot wait to hear it. I hope you will as well!
Have courage and make it great today my friends!